Partnering with school districts to enhance capacity to support the needs of all students
CCSN develops a comprehensive curriculum for preschool, elementary, middle and high school age special needs students. Our programs are supported by Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodologies and address behavioral, social, academic, and general-life skills.
We also train staff on special teaching techniques, curriculum development, social skills training, and communication. Our assessment builds on the strengths and recognizes the weaknesses of your institution's learning environment.
Our clinicians conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, completed in collaboration with district administration and staff, that guides recommendations for development of within-district programming.
Programming can be developed with enough precision and intensity that students previously identified for outplacement can remain in their home districts.
CCSN’s consultative model emphasizes in-district capacity building and partnering with educators and administrators to design educational models that support some of a district’s most complex learners.
Through building in-district programs that meet the Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) requirements, CCSN partners with the district to support highly complex learners in-district versus needing to access outplaced educational alternatives. Student outplacement is a significant expense for LEAs and the ability to address the educational needs of those students while remaining in-district allows students to remain in their community and the district to save on outplacement tuition and transportation expense.
Further, CCSN’s model of capacity building through consultation results in a multiplier-effect as districts utilize the evidence-based interventions, educator training, and resources made available through consultation to replicate and systematize educational solutions for students receiving direct consultation, as well as other students as overall district capacity increases.
Supporting organizations serving individuals with complex educational, social, vocational and community needs
Delivering specialized training for clinicians, educators, administrators, paraeducators, direct-care staff, and healthcare providers to improve service delivery
Helping young adults, their families, and their teachers prepare for transitioning into adulthood
Through telehealth consultation, we assist schools, agencies, and families in designing effective programming and coach them through the implementation process