A sample of article and book publications by members of our clinical team:
Harris, S., Bruey, C. T., Palmeri, M. (2018). Assessment of Students with Autism in the Schools, Second Edition. In S. Goldstein, J. Naglieri, & S. Ozonoff (Eds.) Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2nd Ed) NY: Guilford Publication.
Powers, M.D., Palmieri, M.J., Egan, S.M., Forte, S., Nulty, E., Rorher, J. (2014). Behavioral Assessment of Autism. In F. Volkmar, S. Rogers, & R. Paul (Eds). Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (4th Ed). New York: Wiley.
Palmieri, M.J. & Powers, K. (2013). Feeding Your Child with Autism: A Family-Centered Guide to Meeting the Challenges. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House.
Delivering Special Education Services to Students with Significant Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: A Model Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Click here to download
Palmieri, M.J., and Powers, K.M. (2013, July). Feeding Your Child with Autism: A Family-Centered Guide to Meeting the Challenges. Woodbinehouse.
D’Eramo, K. S., Newman, T. M., Naples, A., Cotter, C. M., Loomis, J. W., Palmieri, M. J., & Powers, M. D. (2012, May). Sensitivity of Current and Proposed Diagnostic Criteria: Are We on the Path to Exclusion? Poster presented at the 2012 International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Canada.
D’Eramo, K. S. & Palmieri, M. J. (2013, May). Overcoming Barriers to Intervention in Behaviorally-Based Treatments for Sleep Disorders. Poster presented at the 2013 International Meeting for Autism Research, Donastia, Spain.
Volkmar, F., Paul, R., Pelphry, K. & Powers, M. D. (Eds.) (in production). The encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders.New York: Springer.
Powers, M. D. & Loomis, J. L. (in press). Adolescents and adults with Asperger Syndrome. In A. Klin, J. McPartland & F. R. Volkmar, (Eds.), Asperger Syndrome (Second Edition). New York: Guilford Press.
LaRue, R. H., Lenard, K., Weiss, M. J., Bamond, M., Palmieri, M. J. & Kelley, M. E. (2010). Comparison of traditional and trial-based methodologies for conducting functional analyses. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Powers, M. D., Palmieri, M. J., D’Eramo, K. S. & Powers, K. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice in the treatment of behavior problems in Autism. In F. Volkmar, D. Cicchetti, P. Doehring, & Reichow, B., Evidence-based practices and treatments for children with Autism. New York: Springer.
Randi, J., Newman, T., & Grigorenko, E.L. (2010). Teaching children with autism to read for meaning: Challenges and possibilities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 890-902.
Newman, T. (2009). Assessment of giftedness in school-age children using measures of intelligence or cognitive abilities. In S. I. Pfeiffer (Ed.). Handbook of the Gifted and Talented: A Psychological Approach. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Newman, T. M., Sparrow, S. S., & Pfeiffer, S. I. (2009). The use of the WISC-IV in assessment and intervention with students who are gifted. In A. Prifitera, D. H. Saklofske, & Weiss, L. G. (Eds.). WISC-IV Applications for clinical assessment and intervention. New York: Academic Press.
Harris, S., Bruey, C. T., Palmieri, M. J. & Handleman, J. S. (2008). Assessment of students with Autism in the schools. In S. Goldstein, J. Naglieri, & S. Ozonoff (Eds.), Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Guilford Press.
Lohrmann, S., Forman, S., Martin, S. & Palmieri, M. J. (2008). Implementing school wide PBS: Understanding the enablers and barriers to sustainability. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.
Loomis, J. W. (2008). Staying in the game: Providing social opportunities to children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other developmental disabilities. Shawnee: Autism Asperger Publishing Company.
Loomis, J. W. (2007). School age child academic issues. In S. Oppenheimer (Ed.), Neural Tube Defects. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Newman, T. M., Macomber, D., Naples, A. J., Babitz, T., Volkmar, F., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2007). Hyperlexia in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 37, 760-774.
Loomis, J. W. (2005). Learning disabilities. In R. T. Ammerman (Ed.), Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Vol. 3. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
D’Eramo, K. S. & Francis, G. (2004). Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. In T. L. Morris & J. S. March (Eds.), Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents (Second Edition), 305-328. New York: Guilford Press.
Newman, T. M. & Sternberg, R. J. (Eds.). (2004). Students with Both Gifts and Learning Disabilities. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Wolfsdorf, B., Freeman, J., D’Eramo, K. S., Overholser, J. C. & Spirito, A. (2003). Mood states: Depression, anger, and anxiety. In A. Spirito & J. C. Overholser (Eds.), Evaluating and treating adolescent suicide attempters: From research to practice. San Diego: Elsevier Science.
Powers, M. D. (2002) Asperger Syndrome and your child. New York: HarperCollins.
Powers, M. D. (Ed) (2000). Children with Autism: A parent’s guide. Bethesda: Woodbine House.
Youngtrsom, E., Wolpaw, J. M., Kogos, J.L., D’Eramo, K. S., Ackerman, B. & Izard, C. (2000). Interpersonalproblem solving in preschool and first grade: Developmental change and ecological validity. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29, 589-602.
Nulty E.C., Groh R.R. (2020) Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP). In: Volkmar F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6435-8_102275-1
Nulty E.C., McGinn C. (2020) Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS). In: Volkmar F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6435-8_102281-1
Nulty, E.C. (2020). Supporting agency health via a systems level approach to supervision. The New England Behavior Analyst. Vol. 17 (Feb)., xx. https://sway.office.com/dTbPnFrnm5W57lAe
Nulty, E. C., Quay, S., Dorsey, M. F. (2016). Supervision and evaluation practices to promote faculty research and development. Journal of Higher Education Management 31(1), xx.
Powers, M. D., Palmieri, M. J., Egan, S. M., Rohrer, J. L., Nulty, E. C., & Forte, S. (2014). Behavioral Assessment of Individuals with Autism: Current Practice and Future Directions. In Volkmar, F. R., Rogers, S. J., Paul, R., & Pelphrey, K. A. (Ed.), Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, fourth edition (pp.695-736). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Marshall, K.B. & Rohrer, J.L., (2022). Building Independence: Self-Management for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Leaf, J.B., Cihon, J.H., Ferguson, J.L., Weiss, M.J. (Eds). Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis Interventions for Autism: Integrating Research into Practice (Autism and Child Psychopathology Series) 1st ed.
Rohrer, J.L., Marshall, K.B., Suzio, C., & Weiss, M. (2021). Soft skills: The case for compassionate approaches or how behavior analysis keeps finding its heart. Behavior Analysis in Practice. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-021-00563-x
Rohrer, J., (2020). Behavior Plan. In F. Volkmar, R. Paul, K. Pelphry, & M.D. Powers (Eds). The Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders (pp. 445). New York: Springer.